How Long Does it Take to Raft the Entire Grand Canyon?

Are you planning to book a trip to the Grand Canyon and want to explore everything that it has to offer? Can't decide which rafting trip to take? You would want to make the most out of your Grand Canyon tour as it can take a year to get an available date.

But how many days should you set aside to get a full Grand Canyon rafting experience? There are several things to consider before you book a tour at the Grand Canyon National Park to make sure you get the best vacation ever.

What to Expect From a Full Grand Canyon Rafting Trip

The best way to enjoy Grand Canyon National Park is to avail the full canyon experience. This tour covers the upper and lower areas of the Grand Canyon and can take around 6  to 8-days on motor rafts and 12 to 16-days on non-motorized rafts from Lees Ferry to Lake Mead.

The trip will start at Lees Ferry and will enter one of the most formidable rapids in Colorado River, the Roaring 20s. Once you've departed from Lees Ferry, it will either take you to Whitemore Wash, Diamond Creek or Pearce Ferry. During your boat ride, you will witness at least 38 major rapid systems that are rated 5+ (1 - 10 scale). You'll get to see numerous spectacular sites while you float along the entire stretch of the Grand Canyon. Expect to get a glimpse of the Cataract Canyon, Phantom Ranch, and Pipe Creek..

There will be a designated camping site every afternoon where you can either relax and recharge for the following day or find other activities to do while waiting for your dinner to be served. Food will be provided if you hire a commercial rafting company. 

You also don't need to worry about your breakfast for the next morning. There will be a steaming breakfast and hot coffee waiting for you as you wake up to prepare for the day's adventure. At different spots during your tour, your guide will talk to your group about the wonders of the Grand Canyon, both natural and man-made. You'll be viewing some ancient petroglyph sites and the canyon's geological features.

Other highlights of the tour are the clear blue waters of the Little Colorado River to the Redwall Cavern and Elves Chasm. You can always ask your river guides about the Grand Canyon river stories, history, geology, and ecology.

As your trip ends, depending on your itinerary and chosen outfitter, there are 3 available exit points, river mile 188, river mile 225, and river mile 280. Whichever exit point you take, your shuttle will take you to your starting location or Las Vegas.

If you choose to return to your starting point, you can continue to explore other attractions at the Grand Canyon National Park. You can check out some famous attractions from the North and South Rim are Canyon Vistas Mule Ride, Grand Canyon Skywalk, and the hiking trail from North Rim to South Rim.

Transportation Options for Full Grand Canyon River Rafting

There are several transportation options to your avail for the full Grand Canyon whitewater rafting trips. Depending on your rafting outfitter and itineraries, meeting locations may also vary. Transportation returning to the starting point will also depend on some trips.

  • A trip may start at Las Vegas, NV.
  • If the starting point is at Marble Canyon, AZ you can opt for a flight from Las Vegas to Marble Canyon or a shuttle from Las Vegas or Phoenix to Marble Canyon.
  • If the trip will start at Page, AZ you can fly from Las Vegas or shuttle from Las Vegas or Phoenix
  • If the trip starts in Flagstaff, AZ, you can fly directly there or shuttle from Las Vegas or Phoenix.

Other Grand Canyon Rafting Trip Options

If you have a limited budget or are time-constrained, there are other rafting trips you can choose from aside from the Full Grand Canyon experience. You have the option to only visit the Western, Upper, or Lower part of the Grand Canyon. Don't worry as you will still catch sight of numerous attractions at the Grand Canyon and still enjoy the Colorado River's waters.

Western Grand Canyon Experience

On most of these trips, your tour will begin with a charter flight to the Bar 10 Ranch. While waiting for your scrumptious food, you can check out the cattle ranch or have fun horseback riding, ATV driving, and skeet shooting. You can also have a game of volleyball with the other rafters. 

The next day begins with an impressive view of the Grand Canyon from a helicopter ride that will bring you to Whitmore Wash. Once you're all set, your raft will float down to Lake Mead and will be transported via a jetboat to a take-out point that is accessible to vehicles.

4 - 7 Days Rafting Trip for the Upper Grand Canyon Experience

Just like the Full Canyon tour, your trip will begin at Lee's Ferry. During your Grand Canyon river trip, you will traverse 88 river miles filled and surrounded by beautiful canyon walls soaring at over 4,500 feet.

In just a few miles, you will get a glimpse of some of the famous geological formations such as the Toroweap and Kaibab formations. For the Upper canyon tour, you'll get to experience at least 19 major rapids. All of these rapids are rated 5 or up. Some of the rapids you'll come across are Hance, Zoroaster, Unkar, House Rock, and Sockdolager.

During your upper canyon tour, you also get to hike the side canyons and witness the breathtaking cascading waterfalls and the Native American ruins. There's also a chance to meet some wildlife like the mighty bighorn sheep and canyon wrens.

Other scenic sites to see:

  • Redwall Cavern
  • Vasey's Paradise
  • Upper Granite Gorge
  • Nankoweap Anasazi Granaries
  • The confluence of the Little Colorado River

When you reach the end of the tour, you'll be at Mile 88 which is close to Phantom Ranch. But your journey does not end there as you still need to hike the Bright Angel Trail to reach the South Rim. Do not attempt to take this hike if you are not physically fit as it is very strenuous. It can get worse during the summer months because of the heat.

But don't worry, the trail is well-maintained by the Grand Canyon National Park Service and there are several water stations that are usually available at the bottom of the Grand Canyon up to mile 1.5 which is near the top. If you think you cannot carry all your gear while hiking, there may be a mule duffle service to reserve and have your bag carried up to the South Rim. However, expect to pay additional fees as this is not a free service and may not be available. In general, all rafters should be prepared to carry their items out.

Getting back to your starting point may not be part of your chosen outfitter itinerary, although transportation can always be arranged.

5 to 9 Days Rafting Trip for the Lower Grand Canyon Experience

The starting point of the Lower Grand Canyon tour will begin at Bright Angel Trail. This means you'll start your tour with a formidable hike. It's wise to wear comfortable and appropriate footwear to get through the hike with ease.

You'll be carrying your gear with you while you trek. If you think you cannot hike with all your heavy gear, there may be an option to book the duffle service for this route too, but again, isn't always available and rafters should be prepared to hike their items down. 

The Lower Canyon experience is one the most popular for the biggest rapids, even though it starts with a tough hike. Once the trek is over, you'll be meeting your guides along with the rafts at Boat Beach or Pike Creek. Both points are near the Phantom Ranch which is also the only available lodging at the bottom of the South Rim.

In this section of the Colorado River, you will encounter at least 19 major rapids that have a rating of 5 and above. Crystal Falls and Lava Falls are just some of them.

The journey is a combination of white water and treks to hidden canyons and interesting archaeological sites. Aside from rafting the whitewater, you get to enjoy some natural attractions like the Elves Chasm, Granite Narrows, Matkatamiba Canyon, and Deer Creek Falls.

As evening comes, you will set up camp on a beach with the moon and stars shining down at you. Once your Lower Grand Canyon tour is over, you will be brought to your chosen endpoint. 

1 Day Grand Canyon Rafting Trip

If you have very limited time to spare but still want to get a glimpse of the Grand Canyon and experience the Grand Canton whitewater, you can book a 1-day rafting trip. Yes, a 1-day rafting tour is possible; just don't expect to see much of the rapids systems and other historic sites at the Grand Canyon.

But don't be disheartened as you will still get a taste of an amazing whitewater experience. You'll be running rapids on the Colorado River and exit out of Pearce Ferry. You see, there's still a lot of things you can experience from a 1 day Grand Canyon whitewater rafting trip.

How to Plan a Grand Canyon Rafting Trip Adventure

Grand Canyon whitewater rafting is a journey of adventure opportunities that sells out fast. There’s a ton of options that sell out quickly. How to raft the Grand Canyon comes down to the type of experience you’d like to have, your budget, and the amount of time you can spend on this bucket list trip. To truly enjoy its natural splendor, head straight down into its beating heart— the thrilling and chilling whitewater rapids of the Colorado River.

How to Plan a Grand Canyon Rafting Trip Adventure

If you have no idea how to plan your Grand Canyon rafting trip, here's a step-by-step guide to make sure you'll have the best time of your life.

Plan your ideal dates ahead of time

Since slots in Grand Canyon sell out very fast, best to plan your preferred date in advance. A lot of tourists choose to visit Grand Canyon during summer when it's very hot and cool down in the river. However, when hiking in the side canyons, it may be limited only to shady areas.

It is also nice to visit during spring when flowers are in bloom and the temperature is cooler while hiking. Just be prepared in the evening as it can get colder. Those who want to avoid the crowd prefer to visit during autumn when Grand Canyon is quieter. Days can be shorter and get ready to cover up when nighttime comes.For more details read the below Article:

Determine the number of days for your Grand Canyon rafting trip

It is important to determine the time frame of your trip ahead of time. You can choose from 1 day to 18-day trips in the river. Your chosen rafting outfitter will handle everything from permits to equipment and route information. Because of regulations concerning the impact of tourism on the environment, trips are reserved in advance. You can book at least a year or two to secure a spot.

Set a budget

A trip to the Grand Canyon can be expensive so be prepared to spend a lot of money. It is easier to manage a budget when traveling with a rafting outfitter because all fees are included in the total cost of the trip. If you choose to travel with a private group, you need to pay for permits, backcountry passes, and other fees for traveling.

Decide if you want to hire a rafting outfitter

You can choose whether to go on your own and join a private group or hire an approved rafting outfitter. Commercial rafting companies usually use oar-driven rubber rafts or motor-driven rafts. They will also take care of almost everything you'll need throughout the tour.

Get a non-commercial river trip permit

If you are going to the Grand Canyon on your own, you need to acquire a non-commercial river trip permit. You can get one from the Grand Canyon National Park service. They have a limit per day for different parts of the river. Permits can be reserved a year or more before your planned vacation. But if you are hiring a rafting tour operator, you don't need to worry about entering the permit lottery. 

Contact a commercial rafting company

If you choose to hire a commercial rafting company, contact them and ask them to book a date for your trip. Most commercial rafting companies require a deposit, usually 1/3 of the total fee. They can also offer rafting dates for 1 year to 2 years in advance.

Plan and coordinate with your group

To make sure everything is set for your trip. Contact and coordinate with your group on what you all need to pack. If you intend to hire a commercial guide, you don't need to bring with you a lot of things and equipment as they will be the ones to provide them for you. All you need to pack would be your clothes, hiking gear, and toiletries.

However, if you prefer to travel with a noncommercial group, you may need to pack your life jackets, boat, oars, drysuits or wet suits, and your food. You can get an outfitter for your supplies during the trip, but they won't be able to guide you.

Prepare necessary equipment

Unless you prefer to hire a rafting tour operator, you would need to rent or bring your own boat. Small rafts can hold at least 5 to 6 people including a seasoned rower to lead the raft along the rapids. If you prefer paddle rafts, expect them to be smaller and it is important that passengers work together while paddling in the white water. If you need additional equipment for your boat or you need to rent one, you can find a list of local suppliers from the Grand Canyon National Park Service website. 

Make arrangements for when your trip has ended

Once your trip is over you need to plan on how you will get out of the Grand Canyon National Park. The outfitter that you've hired can arrange a shuttle to bring you back to your car. Alternatively, you can get independent shuttle service. You can find a list of shuttle service vendors at the Grand Canyon National Park Service website.

Preparing for your Grand Canyon Whitewater Colorado River Rafting Trip

Once you have secured a date for your trip and you have decided on an itinerary, you have to be physically ready as well since touring the Grand Canyon can be exhausting. If your tour includes hiking, you might want to check how difficult or strenuous the hiking will be.

Most rafting outfitters will gladly talk to you about what to expect during the trip. You can contact them and they will able to help you prepare. Most of the time, they will ask about your hiking experience and medical history to find out if you are physically fit.

One of the most challenging hikes on the Grand Canyon is the Bright Angel Trail. If you're not an experienced hiker, you may want to prepare for it. If you are traveling between June to August, you need to be ready to beat the Arizona heat as it can be extremely hot during those months. Just to give you an idea, here's what you can expect on Bright Angel Trail.

  • 9.8 mile trek from river to rim or vice versa
  • Elevation gain/loss of a little under 5,000ft
  • The trail is well-maintained and graded for stock
  • Very little shade across the trail
  • Water stations are situated at 1.5 miles, mile 3, and Indian Garden mile 4.8 from the rim - usually available
  • Ascent time from river may take 6 to 8 hours on average and the average descent time is 4 to 6 hours. Take note that this is for experienced and prepared hikers.
  • People who are out of shape, are not regular hikers, have heart problems, overweight, exercise-induced asthma, or heat-related sickness may find the trail very challenging.


If you have any of the above-mentioned conditions, here's what you can do to prepare for your Grand Canyon trip.

  • Visit your physician and get a medical certificate to confirm that you are physically fit
  • If you are overweight, try to shed some weight before your trip. You still have at least a year to prepare for your Grand Canyon rafting trip
  • If you are not an experienced hiker, best to plan some hiking trips before your tour at the Grand Canyon
  • Have an exercise routine every day. This will help increase stamina and endurance and will prevent sore muscles after your full Grand Canyon tour.


Other Grand Canyon Hiking Trails

Bright Angel Trail is the most challenging trail in Grand Canyon but there are also other trails that are not as tough.

Lava Falls Trail

The trail will begin at the west of an extinct volcano and ends at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Hikers will then be taken to enjoy the Lava Falls rapids. Going down Lava Falls Trail can also be strenuous but not as tiring and difficult as the Bright Angel trail. But the trail can be steep and guests who wish to take the Lava Falls trail may want to have prior hiking experience first.

South Rim Trail

The South Rim trail is roughly around 2.8 miles long. The trailhead is at the Grand Canyon Visitor's Center and ends at the start of the South Kaibab Trail Hike. Many guests find the South Rim trail as one of the greatest ways to appreciate the full Grand Canyon scenic views.

The trek through this trail is flat and wide, this is much easier than other trails. During your trek, you'll be able to check out the breathtaking views of the South Rim through the Mather Point platform. You also get to honor and pay respect to the Native American nations and medallion listing. The Native American people had considered Grand Canyon their home over the years.

Havasu Falls Hike

If you have your camera with you, be ready to capture some of the best views in the Grand Canyon. This is considered a camera-friendly location, so expect the trek to be less daunting. It is approximately 10 miles from the Havasu Creek campground. As you reach the Havasu Creek campsite, you can continue walking for a few miles more to witness the magnificent waterfalls with their clear turquoise water.

Some of the starting points for the Havasu falls are the Hualapai Hilltop parking lot area and the canyon floor. Make sure to get a hiking permit from the Havasupai Reservations if you plan to trek the Havasu Falls. On a full Grand Canyon raft trip you'll get a chance to go see the Havasu Creek as the water from the falls connects the Colorado River.

Must-see Attractions with the Full Grand Canyon Whitewater River Rafting Trip

Diamond Creek

Most Grand Canyon whitewater river trips end at Diamond Creek. This is partly because the road along Diamond Creek is the easiest way to enter and leave the Grand Canyon. Aside from that, tourists get to enjoy its vast sandy beaches. It got its name from the diamond-shaped peak near the creek. It is the best area to observe the stratified layers of the Grand Canyon while standing at the mouth of the Diamond creek. Tours starting from Lee's Ferry to Diamond Creek will surely have the best vacation they'll ever imagine.

Elves Chasm

Be enchanted by the grotto and stunning waterfall of Elves Chasm. It is a less-traveled part of the Grand Canyon. If you chose a full Grand Canyon whitewater river trip, you'll get a chance to admire this beautiful wonder of nature.

Lake Mead

There are numerous activities to do at Lake Mead as part of full Grand Canyon rafting trips. Some activities you can enjoy at Lake Mead are horseback riding, scenic dives, hiking, biking, and hunting. However, you may not be able to do all of that during the canyon river trip. There may be also times when Lake Mead may not be accessible to visitors.

Little Colorado

The Little Colorado River is considered a sacred place for American Native people. This is where they share their prayers. It has beautiful turquoise blue waters and a consistent source of water all year round. Its beautiful waters run through the emerald green waters at the confluence of the Colorado River.

Marble Canyon

You can find Marble Canyon in the middle of Page, AZ, and Vermilion Cliffs. The riverfront is access is through Lee's Ferry, where you can rest and enjoy the sandy beach or throw a fishing line. Be aware that the water at the Marble Canyon can be very cold even on hot summer days. But your mind will be taken off of the freezing water with the spectacular view that surrounds you.

Redwall Cavern

The Redwall Cavern is a huge cave inside the Grand Canyon Walls. It is so big that John Wesley Powell believes it can accommodate at least 50,000 people. It is one of the best places to check out in the full Grand Canyon tour. This is a favorite spot for many rafters to explore and take a rest. You get to see stunning rock formations and fossils at the Redwall limestone.

Grand Canyon River Rafting Boats Options

There are different rafting boats to choose from and the raft that you will pick will depend on what you wish to see and experience from your Grand Canyon whitewater rafting adventure and on your available time. Grand Canyon National Park Service has a list of rafting outfitters that offer different rafting trips using a motorized raft and non-motorized raft. To give you an idea of what your options may be, let's describe each boat that you can use for your raft trip.

Motorized Raft

The motorized raft is the most commonly used variant of a raft on a trip. Grand Canyon outfitters offer motorized rafts to most guests because passengers don't need to steer or paddle the raft. The motorized raft is powered by an extremely quiet engine.

Guests traveling with kids, first-time rafters, and those who cannot paddle for a long period of time may find motorized raft ideal. The motorized version is also bigger than an oar-powered raft with a length of about 35 feet, which makes them more stable as it floats through the Grand Canyon river. This will give passengers peace of mind while traversing the Colorado River.

For those who do not have enough time to explore the full Grand Canyon river, a motorized raft is a great option as it can cover more river miles a day. The motorized raft can also bring you to major sites much faster than an oar-powered or other kinds of the raft.

You can have more time sightseeing in the hidden caves, waterfalls, and some of the ancient Native American ruins. Although motorized rafts are safe and child-friendly, a lot of raft outfitters have a minimum age requirement. Normally the youngest they can allow is 8 years old.

Oar Powered Raft

Just like with a motorized raft, passengers are not required to paddle or steer the boat. It is powered and steered by 2 long oars that are placed in the middle of the raft and used by the guide. Oar-powered rafts are smaller and can only carry at least 6 passengers with the inclusion of the river guide.

Since you are not required to paddle, you may still ask your Colorado River guide if you can try to row. Some guides allow tourists to paddle but usually when the river is calm. Keep in mind that not all river guides allow this, so there is no guarantee that you'll have a chance to paddle the raft.

If you prefer a leisurely ride on your full Grand Canyon river raft trip, oar-powered rafts are a great choice. It only travels at 3 to 4 miles per hour which is basically similar to the river current. It doubles the travel time of a motorized trip but it gives you more time to enjoy the whole stretch of the Colorado River. Since it is also smaller, you get a more exhilarating experience as your raft traverse the whitewater rapids of the Colorado River.

This is the next popular rafting option at the Grand Canyon river trip. In fact, 12 rafting outfitters offer this option. These typically have an age requirement of 10-12 years old.

Paddle Raft

Paddle rafting makes rafting the Colorado River more thrilling. A paddle raft can accommodate 6 to 8 passengers and everyone controls a paddle to help in propelling and steering the raft. Since this can be physically taxing, it is advisable to participate in multi-day paddling activities before rafting the Grand Canyon with a paddle raft.

Similar to an oar-powered raft, paddle rafts have almost the same speed as the current in the Colorado River. This will allow you to appreciate the soaring crimson Canyon walls as your Colorado River rafting unfolds. Because of its smaller size, rafters who are thrill-seekers will have the time of their lives as the ride will be rough and fierce while rafting the Grand Canyon whitewater. 

Paddle rafts are not as popular as oar-powered rafts and motorized rafts. Actually, out of 15 outfitters, there are only 4 that offer paddling rafting in the Grand Canyon river. Children below the age of 12 and those who are not capable of multi-day paddling trips should not try paddle rafting the Grand Canyon.

Hybrid Raft

It is not a special kind of raft but rather a combination of paddle and oar rafts. Passengers will get to ride 4 oar-powered rafts and 1 paddle raft every day. This is perfect for those who want to experience paddling but are not ready for a multi-day paddle rafting.

Since you won't be paddling every day, it is not as physically exhausting as paddle rafting trips. You don't also need to have previous paddling and rafting experience to avail the Hybrid Grand Canyon Whitewater rafting trip. Your outfitter may allow skipping their turn in paddling if they think they won't be able to handle and do it properly.

Similar to paddle rafts, only 4 outfitters offer hybrid rafting, and kids under the age of 12 are not allowed to participate in hybrid rafting trips

Dory Raft

A dory raft is made of hardwood, not like the other rafting options. They are faster than oar rafts but are still slower than motorized rafts. Again, you'll have more time to appreciate the beautiful Canyon walls and other sceneries during your full Grand Canyon rafting adventure.

As with a motorized trip, you don't need to paddle while you traverse the Grand Canyon river. A Dory raft can hold at least 6 people and the river guide will be the one to steer from the center of the boat. Sometimes, oar rafts are accompanied by dory rafts on a full Grand Canyon whitewater river trip. This is to give passengers a chance to experience a different rafting boat.

However, this is not always guaranteed as your outfitter will be the one to decide on it. Also, there are only 5 outfitters that accommodate dory raft trips. The minimum age requirement for a dory raft trip is 10 years old.


Are you ready for your full Grand Canyon river trip adventure? A vacation to the Grand Canyon is truly one of the best trips you can experience in your whole life. Not everyone can get a chance to have an adventure in the Grand Canyon's whitewater rapids and flat water. If you cannot explore the whole Grand Canyon due to time constraints, you can avail a 1-day tour or a 4-5 day trip. It doesn't matter how many days you have to travel around Grand Canyon, what's important is you take time to enjoy and appreciate the natural wonders around you. Also, be sure to always practice safety protocols during your trip as it can be dangerous for people who have no rafting and hiking experience.

Frequently Asked Questions